Sunday, May 1, 2011

things he says in class 2-

lightroom controls 2/14,2011

W. February 10 More Lightroom...

Almost all the mouse controls for Lightroom have corresponding keyboard short cuts that you should be aware of. I've listed several of them here, but you can go to the Adobe Education Technologies website to find even more. You can also get to shortcuts in Lightroom by pressing Command +/


L = Lights Out
F = Fullscreen Modes
E = Loupe
G = Grid
D = Develop
R = Crop
Command/Cntrl + [ ] = Rotate
Command/Cntrl + R = Locate in Finder
Command/Cntrl + E = Edit in Photoshop
Shift + Command/Cntrl + E = Export
0-5 = star rating
6-9 = label
Command/Cntrl + K = Keyword
Command/Cntrl + F = Find
Shift + Command/Cntrl + I = Import
Command/Cntrl + Return = Slideshow
F5, F6, F7, F8 = these F keys show or hide the interface
Tab = Show/Hide Panels
Shift + Tab = Show/Hide Everything
Command/Cntrl + L = Enable Filter


F2 = Rename
Option/Alt + Delete = Delete without dialogue window
C = Compare (2 images)
N = Survey ( Multiple Images)


Show Clipping = J
Show/Hide Tool Bar = T
Spot Healing = N
White Balance = W
Shift + Command/Cntrl + R = Reset all (raw settings)
Shift + Command/Cntrl + C = Copy Raw Settings
Shift + Command/Cntrl + V = Copy Raw Settings
V = Convert to Grayscale
Shift + Command/Cntrl + U = Auto White
Command/Cntrl + U = Auto Tone
Command/Cntrl + 1-7 = select panels (Basic, Tone Curve, HSL, etc.)

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