Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rize Movie Questions


Movie by David Lachapelle about inner city LA crump dancing and the way people use it to express them selfs when the only other option is often violence.

How do you define language- language is the way you describe things, it is how you explain and express a culture so the viewer can further understand the emotion and struggle tied along with that world.

How do you define art- I would define art as visually expressing yourself whether to draw an emotion or feeling from the viewer or to better explain your situation. art can be displayed in several different forms such as classical paintings or even the crump style dancing of the Rize film.

How does this movie relate to you- these people are in dangerous surroundings with few positive choices to express them selfs. While i grew up in a decent neighborhood there were still many opportunities to go down a dangerous path. The people in this film used dance as a form of expression and release from the struggles around them and this is what made this form of art so strong and rich around their communities. Like these crump dancers i used art to express myself and keep goals which kept me out of dangerous and troublesome situations.

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