Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Day About Me-

1. Name, phone #, and e-mail: Nah, nevermind. I know this already...
Garrett Simon

2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate?
New Media, 2013

3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically?
I wanted to learn more about the digital side of art.

4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months.
i want to transfer to Texas A&M University and attend their graduate program, then from there I hope to work for an animation firm, hopefully pixar and others like it, then i want to work my way into films as a director or story boarding type career.

5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work?
artists would be keith Haring, Alex Pardee, and Mark Millar. I enjoy a lot of the graphic novel writers. As for movies i am a huge fan of Quinten Tarentino amd Martin Scoresessy, or however its spelt.

6. Where do you get information about current national and international events?
I use yahoo for my news, but for art related news i use which is a blog site/ community online for mainly graphic designers and apparel companies.

7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? 

8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year?
The Dallas museum of art, for the Mourners show.

9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past?
Last year I took 2-D Drawing with Michael Winegarden and I did a few assignments in which I took photos of the town square and added my own illustrations to the original photo.

10. What is the value of art for the artist?
the value of art for me as an artist is the ability to use my abilities and tools to draw out an emotion from the viewer.11. What is the value of art for the audience?
The value of art is in the eye of the beholder but many define great works as something that challenges the viewer and makes them take a second look.12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation?
While it is used as a vocation to pay the bills, it should be something you love or else the passion will not be present in your works.13. What is your passion?
Movies, i want to work in the film industry whether it be animation or directing full length films.

14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable?
snakes, heights too but mainly any kind of snake make me freak out like a little baby.

15. Do you have a passport?

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