Monday, May 2, 2011

Website Portfolio

Final Project

For my final project in this class I chose to follow a friend of mine who has recently been hired as the new youth minister at the First Baptist Church in Commerce. I took the time to follow him throughout his daily routine as the youth minister and tried to capture a feeling for the church building and its members.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Website Resume


Texas A&M University - Commerce 

                 Spring 2009 - Present
                      Bachelors of New Media
                            -Art Club
                            -Baptist Student Ministry
 Keller High School 
 2005 - 2009
                       Involved in:
-       National Art Honors Society
-       Art Club- Treasurer
-       M.A.C- President


 Carvel Ice Cream
                 2007- 2009
                    Manager/ server/ cashier
Shirt Creature Screen Printing
                  2009- 2011
                     Owner/ manager

TAMU Commerce Recreation Center
                  2009- Present


Osama Bin Laden is dead!


Today May 1, 2011 marks a great day in America’s war on terrorism due to the death of terrorist Osama Bin Laden. It was reported today that an attack was made on the compound in which Osama was held up in and the targeted terrorist was in fact killed in the combat and retrieved his body, which is now in U.S. custody. This is a monumental day for America due to the events on 9/11 in 2001 in which terrorist drove hijacked planes into the trade center twin towers, a day that will forever live in America’s history.

Chapter 10 + 11

Chapter 10- Records and Taxes
Like all people who have jobs, photographers and artists must pay taxes. Right
now, with being how young I am, I have never had to do my own taxes. I dread the day I will have to learn. This chapter explains that you must always keep all your records dealing with money and when you have shows. It also explains that if you own your own business that you must give your employees a W4 form. I already know about W4 forms and what they are for, but after I get them from my boss that it all I am able to do, the rest is left to my parents.

Chapter 11-
Blind Dancers
This chapter talks about how most people miss the opportunities for experiences. These experiences are usually aesthetic. He mentions many types of experiences that everyone must learn to be aware of and should see for themselves at least once in their lifetime.

Light Paintings

I love you Philip Morris


The other day I watched the movie “I love you Phillip Morris” starring Jim Carrey. The film stars Carrey as a newly expressed gay man who is trying to live his life to the fullest. However, throughout coming out and embracing the gay lifestyle he quickly finds out how expensive keeping up with that extravagant lifestyle truly is. Due to this he starts stealing from companies and becomes a major criminal of investment fraud and embezzlement. This lands him in jail with Philip Morris another inmate in which he falls in love with and continuously attempts to break both him and Philip out of prison. This movie shows a different side of the gay culture in which is not often portrayed in films and shows a comical twist to the criminal fraud type scenarios in most films.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9- 
Working Space
I would love to one day have my own studio. I have no idea where I would like to move to later in life, but according to the book this is an important factor when deciding to have your own studio. This chapter gives you tips and warnings when it comes to building your own studio. It even gives you ideas to how to build your own studio when you finally have enough money to of course. Right now since I do not have a studio i do most of my work in my apartment but I shoot outdoors. Thank goodness I live in Texas, where it is mostly sunny and hot enough to have shoots outside.


hdr photos

Chapter 8

Chapter 8- 
Jobs for Young Artists
The main reason I chose not to make Photography my Major was because most photographers don't make a whole lot of money, or not as much as they wish they could be making. I chose to stick to a Business Major so I had that degree to fall on if I wasn't that successful in Photography. Sure I could start my own photography business and take portrait photography and still make a decent amount of money. But I would still like to have another, more stable job, as well. Another thing I would really be interested in, and makes a little more money, is fashion photography. I would get to work with so many famous and high status people that I could potentially make a lot of money by doing this.

Rize Movie Questions


Movie by David Lachapelle about inner city LA crump dancing and the way people use it to express them selfs when the only other option is often violence.

How do you define language- language is the way you describe things, it is how you explain and express a culture so the viewer can further understand the emotion and struggle tied along with that world.

How do you define art- I would define art as visually expressing yourself whether to draw an emotion or feeling from the viewer or to better explain your situation. art can be displayed in several different forms such as classical paintings or even the crump style dancing of the Rize film.

How does this movie relate to you- these people are in dangerous surroundings with few positive choices to express them selfs. While i grew up in a decent neighborhood there were still many opportunities to go down a dangerous path. The people in this film used dance as a form of expression and release from the struggles around them and this is what made this form of art so strong and rich around their communities. Like these crump dancers i used art to express myself and keep goals which kept me out of dangerous and troublesome situations.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7- Galleries, Portfolios, and Webpages
This chapter discusses how an artist will never be recognized if they don't have the right kind and amount of advertisement. People need to be able to see their work and know it's there if he wants to make money from it. People want the easiest way possible to find it so that it why the internet is a good place to go. Rarely will people find a new artists and then buy their work. They must first be recognized to the world along with their work and get their name out, then people will start to find them and want to buy their art work. They then talk about the importance of entering art shows and list the types of art shows that offer the least prestige and the most prestige and will help the artist.


Chapter 6

Chapter 6- 
The Color Monster
This chapter talks about color and how his students and most other students don't
understand color. He started teaching a color class to get the students more comfortable and be more knowledgeable about color when using it in their work. I can see why he thinks students don't use color. As a photographer I never really look at color in my photos then I do when looking at the object in the photo. I usually turn my photos into black and white, which I need to learn to move away from. He called color a "monster" because students tend to stay away from having color in their work and it ends up making their picture not as good as it could have been.

Charles M. Reid

Today we went to a talk by the commerce art ambassador Charles M. Reid. He graduated with his masters in fine arts from Texas A&M Commerce in 2007 with his two dimension abstract style in which he incorporates languages and abstract creations and forms. After his studies in commerce he traveled to London where he spent 2 years working as a resident in a immigrant part of the community. this ethnic and lower class community help inspire his works while at the residency. Along with his love for languages, Charles used his love of karate and art to interact and relate with the people of his community by using art as a common ground to better enrich the lives of those around him. He now resides in Washington D.C. with his wife and child working for a design company he created with friends to help corporations market them selfs better.

Multiple Me's

Commerce Student Art Show

Several student artists at Texas A&M in Commerce entered the spring art show to show their talents. Artist Daniel Kurt submitted this work entitled "Sea of Love" in which he uses several different techniques and mediums. He uses a very collective and collage styled art to create this work which draws an emotion from the viewer. Daniel Kurt is an upcoming star in the art society from commerce in which his style and paintings are very simplistic and make the viewer second guess what the painting is truly about.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5- 
Artist and the Artist's Image
This chapter focuses on how an artist can spend forever trying to find the perfect photo that will make them be known or more like they obsess over what they have made and how they can make it better rather than what art they really are creating. They discuss the stereotype that is put to artists as "poor, dirty, disheveled, tubercular maybe, and periodically in the grip of poetic frenzy." This is definitely what most people think when they see or hear about an artist who either just started there career and hasn't become famous and been able to make money or the artist who is still crazy and dirty after they become famous.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4-
This chapter discusses putting older type art together and making it compliment and work with today's work as well as more modern art. this is a tricky issue when talking about type because each style of type shows a different feeling and emotion. then the combination of that with more modern stylistic abstract pieces makes a hard decision on which font and type to use out of the hundreds of hundreds of styles out there. this chapter focuses on the idea of combining the two mediums to create a unified and aesthetically pleasing work of art however it is up to us, the artists, to experiment and challenge these combinations.

Crazy head

distorted symmetry assignment of my face

symmetrical Heads

symmetry photos during class on feb. 21, 2011.

Banksy in Commerce

Recently, the Texas A&M campus in Commerce, TX has been vandalized by spray painted graffiti. This was first evident when workers found this figure spray painted on the outer walls of the campus' science building. It appears to be a mimic of the world wide popular graffiti artists known only as Banksy. His style uses detailed stencils to create his extreme pieces of often political and controversial art. Little is known about Banksy, not even his name. His work has made him famous, however not always for the better. Since graffiti is in most parts of the country considered vandalism, Banksy creates his well planned attacks in secret, leaving only the art to speak for itself. Whether you indorse his artwork or not he has become a symbol to the art community and it seems as if some students have taken it upon themselves to honor Banksy in their own way.

Alphabet in everyday life


Chapter 3

Chapter 3-
 talks about the teacher and how most students come in either saying they know everything and thinking the teacher wont be able to enhance what they already know. I can think of some people in my class who are exactly like this. The other type of student they talk about is the one who relies fully on the teacher to tell them everything, how to do it, what to do, everything. I am a little more like this only because this is my first time to ever do photography. However i do ask a lot of the other students in my class for help and in order to get ideas I'm always looking up artists and looking at their work.

Self Portrait

casting released for Dark Knight Rises film

With all the superheroes and caped crusaders hitting the big screen lately the creative minds behind the Batman Dark Knight have not let this overshadow their next project. It is no secret that the Director of the Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan, has kept the details of his next thriller in the Batman saga under lock and key from reporters. However, after months of waiting and speculating from fans the director has given us a little taste of what viewers are to expect with this film and its cast. With several A-listed celebrities on the role to audition for this upcoming film the decision has been made to cast Anne Hathaway and Tom hardy as the evil duo for The Dark Knight Rises. Actress Anne Hathaway will be playing the role of Selina Kyle also known as Catwoman, a deranged, Villainess known for her love of cats and Toying with Batman. As for Tom Hardy, most known for his role in the 2010 film Inception, He will be playing the role of Bain; a psychopathic prisoner who has poison in his veins causing him to swell up to the hulk-like muscular stature he is known for. Christopher Nolan is known for his double doses of villains in his line of the Batman saga. With the combination of cat-like cunning and brute strength the Dark Knight Rises, scheduled to open in 2012, is starting to look like a promising addition to the Batman trilogy.

book ch. 2

Chapter 2-
 talks about how reading is vital to learning anything and everything. For artists, a good teacher, constant and steady work, visits to museums and galleries, along with reading about past and current concepts in art are important to mastering any area of art. This is true, having a variety of ideas opens a whole new door to something new and creative.


Emptees closes it's doors

Over the last 4 years graphic designers and tee shirt lovers have made the site Emptees into a collective tee shirt lovers community. This was a place in which designers and artists could showcase designs and ideas in a constructive community of peers. Started by a company of artists and web gurus called Indie Labs, this site has been the launching pad for several custom apparel brands over the years. Hundreds of people all over the world log on to daily to get their news, inspiration or feedback but most of all for those who have been there for long enough it’s a strong sense of community and friendship that keeps them coming back. However, due to the lack of available help for upkeep and monitoring the site was shut down by its parent company in early February of 2011. Having heard of the impendent doom of their beloved site, many computer savvy members banded together to create a twin site much resembling the once thriving Emptees. Out of this collaboration came the site that much like its predecessor would serve to allow artists to showcase and communicate between members of the original site. By doing such things as transferring all designs and profiles from Emptees to the newly created site, has continued the deep community started four years ago by and is now thriving more than ever.

book ch.1

Chapter 1- 
discusses how to do well in college and in order to do so you must pick up learned behaviors, or habits. I found it interesting that some of the tricks Dunning had suggested are things that i do. ("Chew gum while taking tests.") This helps you to concentrate and not "freeze" during tests. Another part that i found interesting was how graduate school encourage students to take the common steps of life and this leads students to settling for "pretty good" instead of "damn good." This made me think of when my father told me how you wont ever get anywhere good by working for someone. Colleges focus on getting you ready to work for companies and how to work for people but never do they tell you how to start your own business or how you can be your own boss.

Texture Photos