Monday, May 2, 2011

Website Portfolio

Final Project

For my final project in this class I chose to follow a friend of mine who has recently been hired as the new youth minister at the First Baptist Church in Commerce. I took the time to follow him throughout his daily routine as the youth minister and tried to capture a feeling for the church building and its members.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Website Resume


Texas A&M University - Commerce 

                 Spring 2009 - Present
                      Bachelors of New Media
                            -Art Club
                            -Baptist Student Ministry
 Keller High School 
 2005 - 2009
                       Involved in:
-       National Art Honors Society
-       Art Club- Treasurer
-       M.A.C- President


 Carvel Ice Cream
                 2007- 2009
                    Manager/ server/ cashier
Shirt Creature Screen Printing
                  2009- 2011
                     Owner/ manager

TAMU Commerce Recreation Center
                  2009- Present


Osama Bin Laden is dead!


Today May 1, 2011 marks a great day in America’s war on terrorism due to the death of terrorist Osama Bin Laden. It was reported today that an attack was made on the compound in which Osama was held up in and the targeted terrorist was in fact killed in the combat and retrieved his body, which is now in U.S. custody. This is a monumental day for America due to the events on 9/11 in 2001 in which terrorist drove hijacked planes into the trade center twin towers, a day that will forever live in America’s history.

Chapter 10 + 11

Chapter 10- Records and Taxes
Like all people who have jobs, photographers and artists must pay taxes. Right
now, with being how young I am, I have never had to do my own taxes. I dread the day I will have to learn. This chapter explains that you must always keep all your records dealing with money and when you have shows. It also explains that if you own your own business that you must give your employees a W4 form. I already know about W4 forms and what they are for, but after I get them from my boss that it all I am able to do, the rest is left to my parents.

Chapter 11-
Blind Dancers
This chapter talks about how most people miss the opportunities for experiences. These experiences are usually aesthetic. He mentions many types of experiences that everyone must learn to be aware of and should see for themselves at least once in their lifetime.

Light Paintings